About us

Passion brought us here

Who we are

We are a team of change-makers who believe that every child deserves a happy, healthy, and nurturing environment.

Love You, Kid is a dream that began in 1977.  In that year, our founder, Mark Steinberg, was a student at West Virginia University (WVU). WVU sponsored a volunteer program in which students earning a degree in Psychology would visit the homes of children at high risk of abuse or neglect.  It was Mark’s responsibility to identify risk factors in the homes and make recommendations on ways the families could put protective factors in place. After completing the program, the dream of building a nonprofit that would improve the lives of abused and neglected children was something that he needed to do.

That dream expanded over the years and the Love You, Kid Foundation was born. The Foundation was founded on the belief that every child should be exposed to a happy, healthy, and nurturing environment.  We, at the Foundation, support and encourage the development of our future generations.  We want to play a meaningful role in improving the lives of our children. 

What we do

We support children and youth to reach their full potential!

Our advocates understand that we personally research each organization that we serve.

Love You, Kid! is a nonprofit organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes to benefit the lives of children within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Why Choose Us

We review the legitimacy of each organization prior to the distribution of funds.  With your donation, we can help more children.

We understand that many organizations could use your help.  Love You, Kid is a hub for donation requests. We have personally vetted grant applications to make sure funding supports the most substantive and beneficial contributions to organizations that focus on the needs of children and youth who are eager for a better life.

Who We Support

We support organizations that best align with our goal To Better The Lives Of Children.

When you donate to Love You, Kid, your dollars are strategically invested in programs through the organizations below. These organizations support our goal. With your help, we can do great things To Better The Lives Of Children.