The Year of the Kid Continued…

Continuing with our governor’s declaration that 2025 is “The Year of the Kid,” this month, I am going to share with you the background of another great organization that Love You, Kid supports and how they make a difference in a kid’s life. 

Kids Matter Inc.  

Kids Matter Inc. was founded in 2000, inspired by the compelling need to improve the lives of the many Milwaukee County children involved in the child welfare system. The mission of Kids Matter is to help abused and neglected children heal and thrive, to bring volunteer energy and community support to foster and kinship children and to apply lessons learned from helping children heal to preventing further child abuse. Kids Matter Inc. is the only organization in Wisconsin with programming uniquely created to address the needs of foster and kinship children. 

In Their Corner

Nearly one in ten children will spend at least part of their childhood being raised in a household without either parent. For every child in foster care, there are another twenty taken in by a relative outside of formal foster care.

For over twenty years, Kids Matter has been a source of support for kids who have lost their parents due to abuse, neglect, homicide, addiction or another traumatic event. They also help all of the relatives, siblings, friends and neighbors who want to keep children safe. They are here for community members who see children impacted by abuse, neglect, violent crime and addiction and need help navigating child protection, criminal reporting or just figuring out how to get help.

Kids Matter believes that every child needs someone in their corner.   Do you want to be that “someone” in a child’s corner?  

Do You Know the Rights of Foster Youth in Wisconsin?

These rights apply to youth in group homes as well as youth in standard and treatment foster homes.

  • Live in a safe, clean, and furnished home
  • Have your own bed (with exceptions for two siblings of the same gender under 12 years of age)
  • Have a place to store your things
  • Be treated with respect by your foster parents and case managers
  • Participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, school groups, or religious groups
  • Attend religious services if you choose to
  • Receive at least three healthy meals a day
  • Receive weekly spending money
  • Have enough clothes
  • Take your personal belongings with you if you leave a foster home (personal belongings include anything you brought with you to the home, and anything that you were given to keep or that you received as a gift)
  • Go to school
  • Have quiet time to do your homework
  • Go to a doctor when you need to, and see a dentist at least once a year (twice if you are under 13)

Your foster parent or parents can discipline you when you break the rules, but they may not punish you by physically hurting you. They cannot punish you by depriving you of mail, meals, or visits with your family.

No one can treat you unfairly because of your gender, race, or sexual identity.

Need Help?

If you are having problems at your foster home or some of your rights are being taken away, talk to your case manager. If you feel uncomfortable bringing up the problem with your foster parent or case manager, call Kids Matter (414-344-1220), and they’ll make sure someone follows up.

NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). Crisis Counselors are available 24/7.

Love You, Kid! proudly supports Kids Matter, an organization that aligns with our mission.

Contact me.